Monitor Your Finances Anytime, Anywhere

24/7 Accessible Finance Management for Dental Practices

Manage your expenses effortlessly with our intuitive and fully automated solution. Our user-friendly mobile and web applications are designed to streamline your expense workflows and accounting processes, reducing transaction costs and elevating employee satisfaction

Financial Management Solutions

Our finance management platform presents an intuitive interface and functionalities, turning complex financial tasks into manageable activities. Stay updated on your practice's financial health and get insights to make informed decisions.
Access your financial data 24/7.
Treatment, Stock and Lab expenses combined
Instant notifications for updates on dues, revenue, and expenses.
Dashboard mockup

Payroll Management

Effortlessly manage payroll for your doctors, understand your labor costs, and maintain compliance with employment laws

Profitability Assessment

Track your clinic's profitability with our real-time reports. Get an in-depth understanding of your profit margins across different treatments and services.

Expense Categorization

Automate the categorization of expenses for easier analysis and budget management. Identify areas of potential savings with our AI-powered system.

Integrated Billing System

Quickly generate and manage invoices with our integrated system, providing a smoother transaction experience for both you and your patients.

Efficient Expense Tracking

Track your clinic's expenses in detail, understand where your money goes and manage your finances more efficiently

Your Financial Status At-a-Glance

Get a comprehensive view of your income and expenses across different locations and providers with your accessible financial dashboard.

No long-term contracts. No catches.

Start your 30-day free trial today.
Mehr als 1300 Praxen weltweit vertrauen uns

„Als Kieferorthopäde und Klinikbesitzer liegt mein Hauptaugenmerk auf der Patientenversorgung, und Medicasimple ermöglicht mir genau das. Es übernimmt alle Verwaltungsaufgaben, sodass ich mich auf meine Patienten konzentrieren kann. Unsere Praxis ist erfolgreich, seit wir es verwenden.“

Dr Ferdi Allaf
Invisalign Diamond APEX-Anbieter
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„Medicasimple hat die Art und Weise, wie wir unsere Zahnarztpraxis verwalten, revolutioniert. Die automatischen Erinnerungen und das einfache Terminplanungssystem haben die Zahl der Nichterscheinen verringert und unseren Patientenfluss verbessert. Ich kann es jeder Zahnarztpraxis wärmstens empfehlen.“

Dr Menekse Tekin

Inhaber, Naturel Dent

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Wie andere ihre Abläufe automatisiert haben

Entdecken Sie echte Praktiken im Gesundheitswesen, bei denen Medicasimple eingesetzt wurde, um das Patientenerlebnis zu verbessern und eine vollständige Automatisierung zu erreichen.
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How Dt. Karabat Achieved a Fully Digital, Paperless Clinic

Dt. Özkan Karabat aims for a digital, paperless clinic, elevating patient experiences and ensuring efficient record-keeping with innovative solutions.
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KLC Clinic: Erhebliche betriebliche Verbesserungen und höhere Patientenzufriedenheit

Prof. Dr. Erdem Kılıç's KLC Clinic ensures quality care, overcoming administrative challenges with medicasimple's support.
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Erfolgsgeschichte der Dentomed Clinic: Effizienzsteigerung und Patientenversorgung

Dt. Gökhan Seçkin at Dentomed faced challenges like inefficient scheduling, data risks, and outdated systems, impacting operations and patient experience.
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How Dt. Gökhan Bitmiş Simplified Clinic Management with Medicasimple’s Practicality

Dt. Gökhan Bitmiş values solutions that simplify work, prioritizing patient management to reduce admin tasks and focus on quality care.
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Transforming Clinic Operations: Ortoport's Journey with Medicasimple

Dr. Dt. Osman Öktem Aktürk leads Ortoport, tackling challenges in patient data management, appointment scheduling, and remote clinic monitoring.
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Häufig gestellte Fragen

Alles Wissenswerte zum Produkt und zur Abrechnung.
Can I track both income and expenses with Medicasimple?
Yes, it provides detailed income-expense tracking that enables you to maintain a clear overview of your clinic's financial health. You can record various types of incomes and expenses, keep an eye on your earnings, and generate comprehensive financial reports.
Can I generate financial reports with Medicasimple?
Yes, you can generate a variety of financial reports. These include day-end reports, payment-based doctor commission reports, treatment conversion rates, incomplete treatment reports, patient loss reports, collection reports, and stock movement reports.
Does Medicasimple provide multi-currency support for treatment planning and payments?
Yes, it allows you to create treatment plans and accept payments in multiple currencies. It even provides you with the flexibility to use real-time exchange rates or set your own rates.
Sie finden die gesuchte Antwort nicht? Schauen Sie auf unserer Seite mit häufig gestellten Fragen nach.

No long-term contracts. No catches.

Start your 30-day free trial today.
Mehr als 1300 Praxen weltweit vertrauen uns