Digital Marketing Strategies for the Healthcare Sector

How can dental clinics become more visible on Google? How can you create creative, patient-focused, and beneficial content on social media? Let's take a look together.
Written by
Altug Guzeloglu
Published on
September 13, 2021

Before diving into the details, it’s important to understand a key distinction. All strategies will essentially support two different branches: Google and Social Media.

Our goal is to occupy as much space as possible related to treatments on Google, and to create relatively creative, predominantly patient-centred and benefit-oriented content on social media.

1. A Website, but What Kind of Website?

A good website is essential. Nowadays, there are people who think you’re failing simply because you don’t have an online presence.

The need for keeping up with modern communication methods with patients, a lesson we learnt most during the Covid-19 period, can be addressed with an up-to-date website.

Here’s a list of questions we should ask to differentiate a healthcare website from a regular one:

  • Does our website include all our treatments, showcasing what makes us different with explanatory images and videos? (e.g., PGT in IVF, Hairline Design in hair transplantation)
  • Have we included stories and testimonials from our successful patients?
  • Are our address, opening hours, and social media links available on the site?
  • Do we have biographies of our healthcare professionals and perhaps 1–2 motivational sentences from them about why they love their profession?
  • Are there action-driving buttons and forms for booking appointments and requesting information? (I’ve highlighted the importance of this in the following points with an experiment we conducted)
  • Are user actions being tracked and analysed?
  • Do we have photos of our team, clinic, and procedures?

2. Being Listed and Reviewed on Local Directories

A potential patient who has somehow heard of your name will first search for it online to learn more about you. The truth is, there are over 30 potential websites where your clinic could appear, so you should prioritise and optimise healthcare review sites such as Google My Business, DoctorTakvimi, and Doctor Sitesi, and keep them up to date.

Google My Business is a Google product where your clinic’s name, address, photo, team photos, working hours, and reviews about you are displayed. A patient searching for your clinic on Google will first see your Business account.


You can think of your “Google My Business” page as a small website. This account allows you to share your treatments, address, hours, and patient reviews in a publicly visible space.

If a patient encounters any of the following situations online, it may prevent them from choosing you:

  • Your website is either non-existent or out of date
  • Your name does not appear on various review platforms
  • The clinic’s address, opening hours, phone number, or website is missing

3. Video is the New TV!

Our target audience, the patients, now have a new habit: researching, researching a lot…

Almost everyone nowadays uses fancy phrases on their websites and social media content, so how can you stand out here? How can you build trust in a profession that fundamentally relies on trust without gestures and expressions?


Click here for an example video

Explain your treatments and frequently asked questions about them through professional videos.

Professional Video in Healthcare: Videos where the person doesn’t say “uh”, have high resolution, are shot from angles that make the explanation effective, include explanatory animations about the treatment, and have no minor distractions such as brief eye movements.

We also conducted an experiment with A/B configuration to ensure the importance of video and call-to-action buttons.

Breakdown of Video and Call-to-Action Button Impact Experiment (A/B Test Structures)

1. Promotion Breakdown

Our goal: To measure the performance difference between a static image and a video with the same content during promotion.

  • Static Image Promotion
  • Video Promotion

2. Breakdown of the Page the User Arrives on After Promotion

Our goal: To measure, in terms of performance, which factors have the greatest influence on the user interacting with us after reaching the website.

  • Page with only call-to-action buttons (No Video)
  • Page with only Video (No call-to-action buttons)
  • Page with both Video and call-to-action buttons

We measured the number of phone calls and online appointment form submissions by users using (2 Promotion Breakdowns) x (3 Page Breakdowns) = 6 different variations.

         Medicalike Data Analysis Panel


  • 133,351 impressions, shown to 59,018 people.
  • 500 TL spent, 39 goals achieved. Cost per goal: 12 TL
  • Static Image Promotion click-through rate = 0.68% | Video Promotion rate = 1.14%
  • Video performed 1.5 times better in promotions with the same budget.
  • Pages with video converted 2 times better than those without video.

Numerically, in promotional activities and on the website:

  • If we hadn’t used any video: 500 TL => 224 Page Views => 21 Requests => 24 TL per Request
  • If we only used video: 500 TL => 336 Page Views => 67 Requests => 8 TL per Request

Video reduces unit costs by 66%.

*To see the result as a precise number, a larger experiment group would be needed. However, this experiment still strongly illustrates the importance of video.

4. The Importance of Blogging

Blogging will be one of the best investments you make online. Through blog posts, you can increase your clinic’s visibility and make Google like you more. Regular blogging will solidify your place on Google over time and drive traffic to your site.

Regular blogging will solidify your place on Google over time and drive traffic to your site.


  • Comments on your blog posts will show you what readers are curious about in the content you’ve written.
  • Responding to comments will strengthen your relationship with readers, positioning you as an accessible healthcare professional.


5. Google Search Network Advertising: A Promotion Opportunity

We’ve mentioned that our main goal is to occupy space on Google. Google Search Network Advertising is a powerful method that serves this purpose. If you are not engaged in digital marketing and SEO efforts, it’s unlikely that someone who needs your services but has never heard of you before will find you.

Here’s our most powerful card: Google Search Network Advertising.

What’s more, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad and visits your website. So, in a way, if you trust your content, it’s free to try.

With a well-prepared page, you should definitely use this channel.

See: Pay Per Click

6. A/B Configuration and Reporting

Instinctive changes that aren’t based on data lead to a waste of time, effort, and money.

Today, the biggest advantage of digital marketing over existing traditional methods is that every action can be tracked, and based on that tracking, can be analysed with data.


When you correctly track, analyse, and take the right actions at the right time on all the data from your website, promotional activities, and social media content using the right metrics, digital marketing investments will make sense for you.

Not just during these difficult times, but always, we extend our thanks to all healthcare professionals who are on the front lines, “keeping humanity alive”!

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